Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sunday, January 12, 2014

No Need For MCA to Join Cabinet

A Kadir Jasin

SEVERAL delegates to the Kedai Kopi Assembly (KKA) felt that we are spending too much time discussing about the goings-on in Umno and the government.

They also noticed that discussions on Umno and the behavior of some Barisan Nasional leaders are causing a lot of anger among government supporters. They are now accusing the KKA of being a conspiracy to bring down the government.

The kaki lawak asked: “Are we that strong to bring down the government?”

So, the KKA decided to shift our focus away from Umno and discuss the future of the BN's Chinese parties. The KKA believes the BN is as strong as its weakest component party and members are unanimous that both the MCA and Gerakan are weak.

The hopeful sign is both are now under new leadership. The expectation is for these new leaders to propose new ideas, not only to strengthen their parties, but also to help the country prosper and make it a good place for all to live.

The clamor among the new MCA leaders for the government to work harder to curb and erase corruption and improve transparency is lauded. But there is nothing new to the call.

Everyone has been telling the government same thing and government has been assuring the people that it is fighting graft. It even produced statistic to show it is serious and that it is winning.

The rakyat, especially the BN supporters, are expecting more than just the war against corruption from the new MCA leaders. Repeating the obvious is boring.

Claiming that the civil servants are corrupt is too sweeping a statement. MCA should do a proper study and come up with facts and figures if they want people to believe that they are serious.

Tell the Truth About Graft

The new MCA leadership must admit that to commit a corrupt act you need a giver and receiver. Who normally gives?

There are 1.4 million civil servants among the 28-million inhabitants of the country. To be a corrupt-free country, we have to educate not only the 1.4 million civil servants, but also the 28 million Malaysians on the evil of corruption, abuse of power and wastage of public funds.

The KKA feels that it would help if MCA say they will tell the Chinese-based Chambers of Commerce, trades associations and guilds to stop practicing bribery.

Who does not know that contractors and developers are the biggest culprits? The MCA should tell them to stop bribing the local councils, land offices and regulatory authorities.

MCA and Gerakan should be in the forefront in stopping these people from practicing corruption. Then only will the people take them seriously in their fight against corruption. The clean up must start with the MCA members themselves.

Surely people still remember that two ex-MCA Ministers were charged in court with CBT. Go all out and fight corruption if the MCA wants to win back Chinese support.

MCA wants to call EGM to decide whether it should go back to cabinet. If it has nothing to contribute, better stay out, continue to support the government from outside. No need to waste time and money on the EGM

If MCA cannot contribute anything new to Cabinet, better stay out and criticize the government if it does the wrong things. In that way the MCA can gain some credibility and hopefully by GE14 can win a few extra seats for the BN.

As it is, the Cabinet is already huge and government has just announced cost cutting measures. So there is no need to enlarge the Cabinet just to accommodate the MCA. The New leaders must first prove that they can contribute.

No point in saying GST rate should be 4% instead of 6% as the government is proposing. The MCA has many businessmen and economists. Let us know the basis why they want the reduction. At least the government has argued that it needs money and the 6-per cent rate can help avert financial crisis.

Help the Rakyat Own Houses

The Chinese control the economy. We all know that most developers are Chinese. We also know that prices of properties are skyrocketing. Why don’t the MCA do something?

Sit down with the developers to find ways and means to reduce prices. When developers say houses around RM1 million are cheap compared to other countries, MCA just keep quiet, as if in cahoots with them.

In other places like Hong Kong, Singapore and Macao land is scarce but their incomes are very high compared to us. The MCA cannot pretend that all Chinese are rich.  True there are some Chinese who can afford multi-million ringgit houses, big cars, private jets, helicopters and yachts, but the majority can't afford expensive houses.  Some are still as poor as the Malays and Indians. What is the MCA doing about it?

Surely there are engineers, architects and quantity surveyors who can help the MCA to work out cost and show just how expensive properties have become due to speculation and profiteering, and how the majority of rakyat have been priced out of the housing market.

MCA would be doing a great service to the people by showing them just how greedy developers have become.  They keep demanding for higher density, resulting traffic jams, parking problems and social issues.

The MCA does not have to be in government to do good deeds for the rakyat. It can come up with convincing arguments to help rakyat to survive in this difficult time and win back their confidence. Then only will there be a fighting chance to win back the Chinese votes.  Bring forth fresh ideas to gain respect and support.

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